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Square Enix 注册“Final Fantasy XIII-3”域名,最终幻想13-2预计2012年上市

来源:互联网时间:2012-05-29 15:57:14
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巴斯光联最新消息:square Enix公司正计划提前推出《最终幻想13-3》(Final Fantasy XIII-3),因为该公司通过著名商标保护公司Corporation Service Company (CSC)注册了域名finalfantasyxiii-3.com。

SquareEnix和它的游戏公司注册域名也是通过CSC,比如HeroesofRuin.com和Deusex.com。根据whois注册记录,finalfantasyxiii-3.com 注册于2011年9月7日。


Square Enix公司估计很快会释放“最终幻想13”的续集“最终幻想13-2”,初步估计在2012年1月份。finalfantasyxiii-2.com注册时间1年多了,按照这样进度的话,应该是1年半的样子推出续集“最终幻想13-2”。


Square Enix is planning ahead for the day the company releases Final Fantasy XIII-3, as it appears the company has just registered the domain name finalfantasyxiii-3.com through Corporation Service Company (CSC), a corporate domain registrar that provides trademark services.  Square Enix and its gaming companies have used CSC for other game domain purchases such as HeroesofRuin.com and Deusex.com.

According to Whois records, finalfantasyxiii-3.com was registered on September 7, 2011. 

But if the purchase is more than just part of the company’s intellectual property strategy, it’ll be awhile before anything is seen. 

Square Enix is expected to release Final Fantasy XIII-2, the direct sequel to Final Fantasy XIII, in January 2012  — nearly a year and a half after finalfantasyxiii-2.com was registered and 2 years after talk of a sequel began.

标签:square Enix 最终幻想13-3 Final Fantasy XIII-3 HeroesofRuin 最终幻想13 最终幻想13-2 Final Fantasy XIII-2 Final Fantasy XIII
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